Procedural Updates

SMART Education Update and Training Opportunities

Did you know that SLTX’s current Electronic Filing System (EFS) is quickly approaching the end of its tenure as the online filing system for the State of Texas and is being replaced with an updated and much more user-friendly system called “SMART”?  Many of your favorite features from EFS have already been integrated into SMART as well as many processes and data entry improvements.

SLTX has conducted training for individual agencies and the feedback from those users is overwhelmingly positive. Data entry users appreciate the ease of use and process improvements made to the application such as elimination of batches, enhanced coverage and class selection, and eliminating manual input of tax, stamping fee, and total gross amounts.

During 2023, SLTX will provide GROUP education sessions. Each session lasts two hours with a maximum of 25 participants to demonstrate the SMART application. Interested participants can select a training session by following this link. Once selected, participants will receive a confirmation email containing a TEAMS meeting link and the option to add the event directly to their calendar.

You may also request an individualized training session tailored to your agency’s business/workflows here.

We look forward to seeing you at an upcoming SMART Education session!

Please contact the SLTX Tech Support team by email or phone at (512) 531-1880 or (800) 681-5848 with any questions.

SMART Release Updates April 2022

The April 2022 SMART release includes additional features for Manual Filing (or Data Entry) transactions: Name Change Endorsements, and Policy Number Change Endorsements. The linked Transaction Entry User Guides can be utilized as necessary for basic entries which do not change Agent of Record or apply to continuous until canceled policies. Users may continue entering New or Renewal Policies or BindersCancellations, ReinstatementsPremium Endorsements, Audits, and Installments. Users may now search for and/or view an Insurer’s NAIC Number directly from Data Entry screens. Users may also edit primary / secondary (online filing) contact information within Broker Security. Additionally, an API endpoint was created to return an individual Batch’s Status, and improvements were made for API filings to better handle submissions which reflect AOR changes on parent policies. Lastly, improvements were added to enforce default sort order for Insurer searches, updated Entry Method to promote clarity, and further strengthen password requirements.

As a reminder, SLTX released API filing capabilities, specific to automated or “programmatic” filers. Adequate broker testing is required as it is the primary mechanism to ensure data-related scenarios are handled effectively and efficiently. All automated filers are strongly encouraged to contact SLTX TechSupport by email to obtain Technical Reference and User Guides to begin or resume beta testing.

Please contact SLTX’s TechSupport team to schedule a discussion regarding SMART features and how it can improve your agency’s online filing experience. Furthermore, TechSupport can schedule additional SMART training for you and your agency based on processes, workflows, and lines of business.  SMART’s Agent User Guide is updated each release and can be obtained directly from SLTX’s TechSupport team through email or phone (512) 531-1880 or (800) 681-5848.

For your convenience, previous SMART releases regarding APIReportAdvanced SearchManual Data Entry, and Export capabilities are attached. Testing continues for External Filing to include additional manually input transactions. The following transactions are expected for May release: Non-Premium Endorsements, New and Renewal Policy Replacing Binder.

 Note: All current processes and procedures in EFS remain available and will work concurrently with SMART until all features are fully delivered in 2022.

With each new release or significant deployment, additional notifications will be sent to all Electronic Filing System (EFS) users. These notifications may also be found on our website under News>Procedural Updates.

SMART Release Updates March 2022

The March 2022 SMART release includes a reinstatement feature for Manual Filing (Data Entry) transactions. The Transaction Entry User Guide can be utilized as necessary for basic entries which don’t change Agent of Record or apply to continuous until canceled policies. Users may continue to enter New or Renewal Policies or Binders, Cancellations, and Premium Endorsements, Audits, and Installments. Users may now perform policy-level search(es) by Federal Credit Union (FCU) or Purchasing Group selections. Additionally, warnings were implemented to notify users up-front if a policy filing has a policy term of 1 day or is unusually long, or if a policy entry appears to be a duplication of an existing filing (based on policy number, policy period, and total premium amount). Lastly, improvements were added to reflect the environment on existing email notifications, to better calculate the number of expected results for Advanced Policy Search, and to augment date formatting and handling.

As a reminder, SLTX has released API filing capabilities, specific to automated or “programmatic” filers. Broker testing is required as it is the primary mechanism to ensure data-related scenarios are handled effectively and efficiently. If you, as an automated filer, have not requested updated Technical Reference and User Guides or are ready to resume beta testing, please contact the SLTX TechSupport team by email.

Please contact SLTX’s TechSupport team to schedule a discussion regarding SMART features and how it can improve your agency’s online filing experience. Furthermore, TechSupport can schedule additional SMART training for you and your agency based on processes, workflows, and lines of business. SMART’s Agent User Guide is updated each release and can be obtained directly from SLTX’s TechSupport team through email or phone (512) 531-1880 or (800) 681-5848.

For your convenience, previous SMART releases regarding APIReportAdvanced SearchManual Data Entry, and Export capabilities are attached. Testing continues for External Filing to include additional manually input transactions. The following transactions are expected for April release:  Non-Premium Endorsements, New and Renewal Policy Replacing Binder.

Note:  All current processes and procedures in EFS remain available and will work concurrently with SMART until all features are fully delivered in 2022.

With each new release or significant deployment, additional notifications will be sent to all Electronic Filing System (EFS) users. These notifications may also be found on our website under News>Procedural Updates.

SMART Release Updates February 2022

The February 2022 SMART release includes a cancellation feature for Manual Filing (Data Entry) transactions. The Transaction Entry User Guide can be utilized as necessary for basic entries that don’t change Agent of Record or apply to continuous until canceled policies. Users may continue to enter New or Renewal Policies or Binders, and Premium Endorsements, Audits, and Installments. Users may now view coverage and class code (exclusive) relationships directly within Coverage or Class Search, and this feature will automatically apply within each entry. Improvements were added to Advanced Policy Search to better handle exact policy number matches and to also include a count of Expected Results before your search is executed. Lastly, additional API (automated filer) features were released. SMART will provide email notifications to the filer when the API batch posting is completed. Furthermore, improvements were added to better manage automated submissions and user access when not approved or authorized to make submissions in the Live Environment due to incomplete testing.

As a reminder, SLTX released filing features specific to automated or “programmatic” filers as these methods make up majority of transactions filed with SLTX. Broker testing is required as it is the primary mechanism to ensure data-related scenarios are handled effectively and efficiently. If you, as an automated filer, have not requested updated Technical Reference and User Guides or are ready to resume beta testing, please contact the SLTX TechSupport team by email.

Please contact SLTX’s TechSupport team to schedule a discussion regarding SMART features and how it can improve your agency’s online filing experience. Furthermore, TechSupport can schedule additional SMART training for you and your agency based on processes, workflows, and lines of business. SMART’s Agent User Guide is updated each release and can be obtained directly from SLTX’s TechSupport team through email or phone (512) 531-1880 or (800) 681-5848.

For your convenience, previous SMART releases regarding  APIReportAdvanced SearchManual Data Entry, and Export capabilities are attached. Testing continues for External Filing to include additional manually input transactions. The following transactions are expected for March release:  Reinstatement, Non-Premium Endorsements, New and Renewal Policy Replacing Binder.

Note: All current processes and procedures in EFS remain available and will work concurrently with SMART until all features are fully delivered in 2022.

With each new release or significant deployment, additional notifications will be sent to all Electronic Filing System (EFS) users. These notifications may also be found on our website under News>Procedural Updates.

SMART Release Updates January 2022

The January 2022 SMART release includes additional features for Manual Filing (or Data Entry) transactions: Premium Endorsement, Installment, Audits, and utilizing the Transaction Entry User Guide as necessary for basic entries that don’t change Agent of Record or apply to continuous until canceled policies. Users may continue entering New or Renewal Policies or Binders transactions by utilizing the Policy or Binder User Guide as necessary. Secondarily, users now can perform policy search(es) by any value(s) input in the Reference field. Lastly, process and workflow improvements were added to improve clarity with user statuses, to better manage “batches” from a user perspective, and to restrict filing access from users that have elected the “ACH/Online payments only” permission.

Please contact SLTX’s TechSupport team to schedule a discussion on SMART features and how it can improve your agency’s online filing experience. Furthermore, TechSupport can schedule additional SMART training for you and your agency based on processes, workflows, and lines of business. SMART’s Agent User Guide is updated with each release and may be obtained directly from SLTX’s TechSupport team for any agency ready to utilize SMART’s features. Contact SLTX Tech Support by email or phone (512) 531-1880 or (800) 681-5848 with any questions.

For your convenience, previous SMART releases regarding  APIReportAdvanced SearchManual Data Entry, and Export capabilities are attached. Testing continues for External Filing to include additional manually input transactions within SMART. The following transactions are expected for February release: Cancellation, Reinstatement, New and Renewal Policy Replacing Binder.

Note: All current processes and procedures in EFS remain available and will work concurrently with SMART until all features are fully delivered in 2022.

With each new release or significant deployment, additional notifications will be sent to all Electronic Filing System (EFS) users. These notifications may also be found on our website under News>Procedural Updates.

2021 Annual Late Filing Report to Run March 12

SLTX’s annual late filing report, which lists all Texas surplus lines policies that were not timely filed in 2021, will be generated on March 12, 2022. Policies are considered late if they are not filed with SLTX within 60 days of issuance or the effective date, whichever is later.

Under the Texas Administrative Code, SLTX must submit the annual late filing report to the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) no later than the first business day in April of each year for the previous calendar year. At this time, no additional changes can be made to the report. However, if a late filing adjustment has been approved and TDI has previously determined a policy that was originally included on a monthly late filing report should be considered timely filed, it will not be included on the annual late filing report.

Beginning March 12, 2021, agents and brokers who file electronically and have submitted an untimely filed policy in 2021 will be able to access an electronic copy of the report as a courtesy and pre-notification. The report can be found in SLTX’s online filing system by accessing the “Reporting” tab on the left navigation menu. Select “EOM/EOY Reports” from the “Listings” drop-down menu at the top of the screen. Choose the “Late Filing Reports” radio button, and the annual late filing report will be displayed as the most recent report listed, if available.

SLTX will send the official 2021 Annual Late Filing Report by certified mail to all agents and brokers included on the report. Those who are not included on the report will not see it listed in the online filing system and will not receive a letter from SLTX by certified mail.

The report will include a list of all policies that were not timely filed, as well as the number of days late for each, the total percentage of late policies for the year, a calculation of total fees due, and the number of policies sent to enforcement if any. Assessments and enforcement actions are determined by statute and all fees should be submitted directly to TDI. The TDI Late Filers Fee Payment Form will be included within the certified mailing.

SMART Release Updates December 2021

The December 2021 SMART release includes the next round of Manual Filing (or Data Entry) transactions: Renewal Policy or Renewal Binder. Users may now enter New and Renewal Policy or New and Renewal Binder filings in SMART, utilizing the Transaction Entry User Guide as necessary. Secondarily, the release includes significant improvements to coverage and class code “helper tool” which is intended to assist in selecting coverage and class codes in alignment with SLTX’s processes and code selection rules. Based on the coverage code(s) selected, this automated tool will limit the class codes available. Alternatively, if you select the class code first, it will limit the coverage codes available.  

As a reminder, Month End and Year End Reports are available within SMART. After logging in, you may access your reports by selecting “View Reports” from the Reports tile on your Broker Landing page. You will then select “End of Month” or “End of Year” to access these specific reports.  

We encourage you to contact SLTX’s TechSupport team to schedule an individualized discussion on how existing SMART features can improve your agencies online filing experience. Additionally, TechSupport can schedule in-depth SMART training for you and your agency based on your processes, workflows, and lines of business. 

For your convenience, previous SMART releases  API, Report, Advanced SearchManual Data Entry, and Export capabilities are attached. Testing continues for External Filing to include additional manually input transactions within SMART. The following transactions are expected in the January release: Premium Endorsement, Audit, Installment, New and Renewal Policy Replacing Binder. 

Note: All current processes and procedures in EFS remain available and will work concurrently with SMART until all features are fully delivered in 2022. 

With each new release or significant deployment, additional notifications will be sent to all Electronic Filing System (EFS) users. These notifications may also be found on our website under News>Procedural Updates. 

SMART’s Agent User Guide is updated with each release and may be obtained directly from SLTX’s TechSupport team for any agency ready to utilize SMART’s features. Contact SLTX Tech Support by email or phone (512) 531-1880 or (800) 681-5848 with any questions. 

Board of Directors Meeting Summary

On December 14, 2021, the Surplus Lines Stamping Office of Texas held their Audit & Finance Committee meeting pursuance to code 2(c)(10) of SLTX’s Plan of Operation. The committee discussed agenda topics including approval of the previous meeting minutes and discussion over the Year-to-Date Financial Updates.  

The committee also discussed and passed motions regarding the approval of previous meeting minutes.  

On December 15, 2021, the Stamping Office Board of Directors held their final meeting of the year. The meeting was held in person and via teleconference. The board discussed various topics on the agenda including welcome of the newest board member, approval of previous board minutes, Finance & Audit committee discussions regarding the YTD Financial update, Executive Director update, Operations Department update, 2022 proposed meeting dates, Bidding and Procurement Committee Draft Policy Submission, and an Executive session followed by final open session and adjournment.   

The Board of Directors also discussed and passed motions regarding the approval of previous meeting minutes, Cyber Liability insurance updates, proposed 2022 meeting dates, and executive session items.  

This is a broad summary of the meeting and not intended to reflect official meeting minutes or detail the scope of any actions taken by the board. Once minutes are reviewed and approved by the Board, they will be added to the website under board minutes 

The dates for the next Audit & Finance Committee meeting and Board of Directors meeting are to be announced. As always, board meetings are available to the public, and information will be posted as they are announced. 

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